I love chocolate. And yes, there is a big difference between “ours” and “theirs”. We celebrate chocolate. Thinking about the gigantic red hearts filled with bite-sized confections in their pleated brown nests, the foil-wrapped eggs in Easter baskets, the Hershey bars we drop into Trick-or Treater’s bags and the chocolate coins and Santas we stuff in our little one’s Christmas stockings. Everyone knows how beautifully the Swiss craft their chocolate …
Famous for its location on the River Cher in France’s magnificent Loire Valley, evidence of a woman’s touch is evident in every design element and architectural aspect of this unique chateau. When gifted to his mistress Diane de Poitiers by Henry II, the storied improvements began with an extension of the beautiful arched bridge on one side of the castle and buttressed stone terraces creating four separate gardens were built, …
…and one of the most important places of medieval pilgrimage. It’s been on my bucket list for years but I knew little about this 10th century abbey until this visit. Warning to the traveler not ready for a stairmaster challenge, this is a bit of a hike to reach the most spectacular and expansive views but if you take your time, it’s certainly navigable and so very, very worth it. …