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Category: Blogging

Dreaming of Chocolate

I love chocolate. And yes, there is a big difference between “ours” and “theirs”. We celebrate chocolate. Thinking about the gigantic red hearts filled with bite-sized confections in their pleated brown nests, the foil-wrapped eggs in Easter baskets, the Hershey bars we drop into Trick-or Treater’s bags and the chocolate coins and Santas we stuff in our little one’s Christmas stockings. Everyone knows how beautifully the Swiss craft their chocolate …

Mont Saint Michel, Normandy’s Gem

…and one of the most important places of medieval pilgrimage. It’s been on my bucket list for years but I knew little about this 10th century abbey until this visit. Warning to the traveler not ready for a stairmaster challenge, this is a bit of a hike to reach the most spectacular and expansive views but if you take your time, it’s certainly navigable and so very, very worth it. …